Development of a methodology to certify sustainable and energy efficient construction in new buildings and modifications

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Mauro Acosta
Leandro Alcaino
Juan Borhi
Luis Hernández
Pedro Juárez
José Loguercio


Establishing a technical methodology to implement the certification of sustainable and efficient building constructions with respect to energy use and consumption.

The scope of application of this technical code will be the Municipality of San Fernando, Province of Buenos Aires. Therefore, its implementation will comply with current provincial legislation, and, at the national level, it will comply with Decree No. 140/07 of the PEN, which declares the rational and efficient use of energy to be of national interest and priority. This implies complying with the required thermal conditioning in the construction of buildings for a better quality of life and achieving a reduction in environmental impact through the rational use of energy. Therefore, the construction of buildings must guarantee hygrothermal habitability conditions, energy efficiency, hygiene, and health. Consequently, obtaining a cost reduction in energy consumption for heating and cooling, drinking water, lighting, elevator service, favoring the application of renewable energies and contributing to the sustainable development objectives (SDG) of the 2030 agenda of the UN. Also, in the current context of the COVID 19 pandemic, obtaining improvements in the health of its inhabitants and allowing the loss of the building heritage and its assets.

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How to Cite
Acosta, M., Alcaino, L., Borhi, J., Hernández, L., Juárez, P., & Loguercio, J. (2022). Development of a methodology to certify sustainable and energy efficient construction in new buildings and modifications. Ingenio Tecnológico, 4, e034. Retrieved from
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