Software system for energy management framing on norm IRAM-ISO 50001

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Lautaro Bifano
José Luis Maccarone
Marcelo Gil
Héctor Osvaldo Pascual


In order to not transfer the energy increases to prices, it is necessary for Pymes to use management tools focused on improving the whole energy development. This would result in a lower consumption with the same level of production or the same consumption with a higher level of production.

The aim of this project is to develop a software to implement and control the Energy Management System. This would allow PyMEs not only to obtain a more rational use of energetic resources, but also to achieve their desired goals in a shorter period of time.

The software dynamics has been developed following the same methodology used in our own projects about Management System based on IRAM 50001-18 Norm. On the other hand, the data for tests has been obtained by the AEEL (Applied Energy Efficiency Laboratory) experience in energy analysis of local PyMEs’ productive processes.

The software functional process will be shown through the data uploaded from a PyME that has obtained the Energy Management System certification. Its aim is to be a simple and intuitive interface which will be accessible on the website.

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How to Cite
Bifano, L. ., Maccarone, J. L. ., Gil, M. ., & Pascual, H. O. . (2021). Software system for energy management framing on norm IRAM-ISO 50001. Ingenio Tecnológico, 3, e022. Retrieved from
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