Instructions for submitting articles
Structure of the contents
Evaluation process
Instructions for submitting articles.
The articles sent to INGENIO TECNOLOGICO must be original works that have not been previously published or have been submitted to another scientific journal. Once evaluated and accepted, they will be published with open access. Articles must be written in Spanish or Portuguese and sent electronically in the format.doc o.docx.
Presentation of the works
To send the works and check the status of the shipment, it is necessary to register and log in through our website:
Types of items received:
Scientific and technological research articles
Case reports
Technical notes
Letters to the editor
Review articles
Works referring to the history and / or teaching of engineering will not be accepted.
Structure of the contents
The extension of the work must have at least 4 pages and 25 pages maximum. Your presentation should be done in A4 sheet format. Paragraph spacing 0 points. Simple line spacing, top and bottom margins: 2.5 cm., Right and left margins: 2 cm .; header and footer of 1.5 cm. Typography of the main text of the document: Calibri, size 10.
On the first page of the manuscript, the title, subtitle, authors, institutional affiliation, summary and key words will be presented, and since it is the first sheet, the left margin in this case will be 4 cm.
The rest of the manuscript will be made following the characteristics of the format mentioned in the first paragraph.
Keep in mind when making the manuscript:
Keywords (maximum 10 words)
The images and figures should be listed, included in the body of the document, centered and present relevant titles. Have good resolution in such a way that the axes, units and legends are legible. The size of the typography should not be less than 8 points. They must be inserted directly on the .doc file, they do not have to be placed inside a text box).
All tables must be listed, included in the body of the document and have relevant titles, description and footnotes. Preferably place them in the left margin and make them using Word or Excel. They should not be included in the document as images.
The equations must be clearly written. It is recommended to use the Word equation editor and adopt the international notation system.
It is recommended not to include footnotes. If it is essential, it can be included at the end of the work, together with the bibliographic references.Textual quotations: quotations should be included in quotes and a limited use is recommended. In case of overcoming the two lines, they will be written in a separate paragraph with a left and right indentation of 2.50 cm. approximately.
Bibliographic citations: in the text the author's last name will be indicated in parentheses, or the acronym of the institutional author, followed by a comma and the year of publication. For example (Marquese, 2015), (IFLA, 2009). If they are two authors, the surnames with the conjunction will be separated (Garriz and Campanario, 2017). For three or more authors, the first one will be indicated followed by al. (Forestieri et al., 2016). When two or more papers are cited, they are separated by semicolons (Kippel, 2008, Neuss and Counal, 2012, Casal et al., 2006). When the author and the year coincide, it will be distinguished by a letter (Zeng and Zummer, 2009a, b).
Conclusions (Source: Calibri, size 10, normal style, alignment: justified Start this section with the word Introduction, with style: bold).
Acknowledgments (Source: Calibri, size 10, normal style, alignment: justified Start this section with the word Acknowledgments, with style: bold).
Bibliographic references (Source: Calibri, size 10, normal style, alignment: justified Start this section with the words: Bibliographical references The preparation of these should be done according to the format established by the international standard APA).
Clarification: Separate each of the previous sections with a blank line.
Considerations for making references according to the APA format:Considerations for making references according to the APA format:
- Book references:
Surnames, I. (Year). Title. City, Country: Editorial.
- Complete electronic book:
Surname, I. (Year). Title. Retrieved from
- Chapter of a book:
Surnames, I. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In I. Surname, Title of the book (pp. Xxx-xxx). Place: Editorial.
- Printed magazine article:
Author, I. (Year). Article title. Title of the publication, vol. (Number), pages.
- Electronic journal article with URL (without DOI):
Surname, I. (Year). Article title. Title of the publication, volume (number), pages. Retrieved from http: //www.xxxxxx
- Article of electronic magazine with DOI:
Surname I. (Year). Article title. Title of the publication, volume (number), pages. doi: xx-xxxxxxxxxx
- Web page:
Surname, A. A. [If the author does not appear, indicate responsible Institution]. (Date). Title of the web page. Retrieved from http: //www.xxxxxx
Evaluation process
The editor will evaluate the relevance and presentation of the articles sent to the journal INGENIO TECNOLOGICO. The estimated time for this instance is 10 days.
Those works that meet the general requirements will be subsequently evaluated by at least two independent expert reviewers on the subject. Subsequently, the Editor will be responsible for the final decision that determines the acceptance or rejection of the submitted work.
The evaluation system adopted for this magazine is "double blind", that is; that the authors and the reviewers are unaware of the identity of the other party and through this methodology the impartiality of the evaluations is guaranteed. The stipulated time for peer evaluation is 30 days.
The opinion of the evaluators is unappealable and there are four possibilities, which are:
Accepted in its current form: There are no suggestions or modifications for the article and it can be published as presented.
Accepted with minimum adjustments: The document to be previously published by the author must make certain modifications in accordance with the suggestions and minimum recommendations issued by the reviewers. The return time is 15 days.
Correct and reevaluate: It is necessary to make major changes in the document and it must be sent later to be subjected to a new evaluation. The return time is 30 days, after that time the work will be considered as a new publication.
Rejected: According to the response of the evaluators, the publication of the manuscript is not recommended. The causes of the rejection will be sent to the author and there is no possibility of a re-evaluation.