Principales técnicas criptográficas aplicadas a la seguridad de la información en IoT: una revisión sistemática

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Percy Olivarez Geronimo Dionicio
Alfredo José Lezcano Gil
Alberto Carlos Mendoza De Los Santos


This review article provides a comprehensive overview of the main cryptographic techniques applied to information security in the Internet of Things (IoT), analyzing various research articles gathered from diverse academic databases, including MDPI, Scopus, and ScienceDirect.

Elliptic curve encryption was identified as an option for environments with limited resources, aiming to be as efficient as possible. Meanwhile, the use of AES is crucial to prioritize security, as this encryption technique provides reliability by being a standard with numerous studies supporting its effectiveness in securing data in IoT. Finally, hash encryption is highlighted for enabling more integrated and completely authentic data within IoT environments, complementing other encryption techniques such as ECC, AES, RSA, etc.

The results obtained also reveal the need to advance exploration into quantum encryption approaches and machine learning techniques to achieve effective real-time detection and prevention of threats in IoT environments. It is crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques in more diverse and heterogeneous IoT scenarios.

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How to Cite
Olivarez Geronimo Dionicio, P., Lezcano Gil, A. J., & Mendoza De Los Santos, A. C. (2023). Principales técnicas criptográficas aplicadas a la seguridad de la información en IoT: una revisión sistemática. Ingenio Tecnológico, 5, e041. Retrieved from


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