Bases para el desarrollo y aplicación de Gemelos Digitales en la industria de la energía eléctrica

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Gonzalo Alvarez
Dan Kröhling
Ernesto Martinez


Nowadays, the expansion and improvement of electric power systems is carried out in a comprehensive manner. This means that the incorporation of new technologies and approaches are being sought in the current systems to implement Industry 4.0. As a result, one of the technologies that has gained importance in recent years is the so-called digital twins.

A digital twin is a partial or complete virtual representation of a physical system or process that evolves continuously along with the real system or process. A vehicle, a wind turbine or an entire city can be represented by digital twins. To implement and operate these digital twins, it is necessary to use sensors in the physical system or process to collect real-time information of the operating state so that the simulated behavior can be adapted.

This study aims to promote the application of digital twin technology in electrical systems, as well as discuss the challenges for its implementation. A proposal is presented for the development and application of digital twin technology in different fields, preferably in the field of power generation. The objective of this study is to provide a reference for the applications of digital twin technology in the smart energy industry.

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How to Cite
Alvarez, G., Kröhling, D., & Martinez, E. (2023). Bases para el desarrollo y aplicación de Gemelos Digitales en la industria de la energía eléctrica. Ingenio Tecnológico, 5, e043. Retrieved from
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