Incrustaciones minerales en cañerías de un pozo productor de hidrocarburos del área Agua Botada, Cuenca Neuquina (Argentina): identificación y tratamiento

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Florencia Lajoinie
Hernán Gabriel de la Cal
Melisa A. Salvioli
Mabel E. Lanfranchini
Enrique H Feinstein


Incrustations are a mineral set deposited in pipes and other places of the hidrocarbon well equipment that avoid the normal fluid circulation. Also, they can occlude the porosity of the reservoir rock reducting its permeability, which has an extremely negative economic impact. These incrustations are formed by chemical precipitation when natural fluid chemical equilibrium in sedimentary rocks is disturbed by: incompatible water incorporation, changes in the original pressure and/or temperature, gas release or pH changes. In this contribution, an accessible and low cost diagnostic and potentially remediation methodology is proposed for the AB.x-1 hydrocarbon producing well in the Agua Botada area, Mendoza province, Neuquén Basin (Argentina). It comprises the study of the detected mineral incrustations under a binocular loupe and SEM-EDX analysis. The characterization of these mineral accumulations allowed mainly gypsum (CaSO4) and minor amounts of halite (NaCl) to be determined. In this sense, mineralogical knowledge of incrustations allow its formation to be predicted and prevented during production, or also to select the most effective technique for their removal, once they are formed.

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How to Cite
Lajoinie, F., de la Cal, H. G., Salvioli, M. A., Lanfranchini, M. E., & Feinstein, E. H. (2020). Incrustaciones minerales en cañerías de un pozo productor de hidrocarburos del área Agua Botada, Cuenca Neuquina (Argentina): identificación y tratamiento. Ingenio Tecnológico, 2, e005. Retrieved from