Estudio de una geogrilla en refuerzos asfálticos a través de la compresión diametral
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The geogrids marketed as a reflex crack retarding system in asphalt pavements act through the absorption of the traction stresses generated in the asphalt mass.
A test that generates traction in the plane of the reinforcement material is implemented, revealing the interaction of the asphalt mix system - geogrid. The tensile stress values are found indirectly through calculations, through the application of known diametral compression loads on cylindrical specimens of established dimensions, and made with asphalt mix of studied mechanical properties.
A second effect that is studied in this work is the transformation of a single main crack into several microcracks scattered over an extended length, in case the reflex anti-crack mechanism works as predicted by theory, evidencing the variation of the resistance. to diametral compression when making the comparison between samples with and without reinforcement, under the same conditions of preparation of specimens and test.
Another analysis that is addressed consists of the study of the variation of the rigidity modulus (according to the UNE-EN 12697-26 standard) on samples with and without reinforcement. This determination is made by means of equipment with controlled temperature, frequency and load parameters, capable of emitting load pulses pneumatically.
A better understanding of the mechanism of action of geosynthetic reinforcement to oppose crack propagation in the asphalt mass is achieved. This requires considerable deformation in the discontinuity section to allow its effect.
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